Tactical Game Cards - /tg/station 13 Wiki (2024)


  • 1 Welcome to the Exciting world of Tactical Game Cards!
    • 1.1 Core Rules:
    • 1.2 What You Need
    • 1.3 Gameplay Phases
    • 1.4 Card Effects
    • 1.5 Card Breakdown
    • 1.6 Card Combat
    • 1.7 How to Win
    • 1.8 Tips N Tricks!
    • 1.9 Card List

Sponsored by Nanotrasen Edu-tainment Division.

Core Rules:

Tactical Game Cards (Also known as /TG/C) is a traditional trading card game. It's played between two players, each with a deck or collection of cards.

Each player's deck contains a set of 30 cards. For each individual card, you can have a maximum of 3 cards in your deck.Each player's hand can hold a maximum of 7 cards. At the end of your turn, if you have more than 7 cards, you must choose cards to discard to your discard pile until you have 7 cards.

To begin a match, both players must flip a coin to decide who goes first. The winner of the coin toss then decides if they go first or second. Before the match begins each player draws 5 cards each with the ability to mulligan cards from their hand facedown once (Basically, you get a first pass where you can replace cards in your hands back into your deck, shuffle your deck, then draw until you're back to 5). Each player begins with 1 Max Mana to start with, which serves as the cost to playing cards.

What You Need

In order to play the TCG, a deck is required. As stated above, decks must contain exactly 30 cards.
Additionally, a stock of Thunderdome Flippers to use for coin tosses and counter effects is recommended- these can be obtained occasionally from cardpacks, but any coin will do.Finally, the Holodeck has a special mode designed specifically for the TCG that makes play much easier.

Gameplay Phases

A single turn of the game goes as follows, and the order of card effects is very similar to other card games.Within a single turn, the following phases are gone through, in order, unless otherwise altered by a card effect.Turn Phases are the Draw Phase, Effect Phase 1, Play Phase, Combat Phase, Effect Phase 2, and the End Phase.

During the draw phase, the player whose turn it is untaps all their cards, then draws a single card. They gain 1 Max Mana, and their Mana is refilled. Cards with missing health due to defending, attacking, or damage effects return to max health at the end of the draw phase.

During the First Effect Phase, this is when effects that take place at the start of your turn would occur. If an opponent's effect takes place at the start of your turn, their effects will always take place first, then yours, unless otherwise stated by a card effect. If an opponent's effect would cause you to lose the game, and your effects would prevent that condition from happening afterwards, you would lose the game. As a general roll, when it's your turn, your opponent's effects take place FIRST, then yours.

During the Play Phase, this is when you can play, summon, or activate your own cards. Card Effects that don't state when they're activated MUST be activated during the Play Phase. Your opponent can also activate their own card effects in response to one of your actions during your play phase, if able. Any card played during the play phase can activate its effect as soon as it's played. More details within the Card Breakdown section.

During the Battle Phase, a creature card is able to battle other creature cards, or attack their opponent once per turn. Neither player can attack on their first turn, and all cards that enter the field can attack as soon as they can, unless it is that player's first turn, or they are prevented by a card effect. More details within the Card Combat section.

During the End Phase, end of turn effects will occur. If the active player has more than 7 cards in their hand by this point, this is when they must discard cards. All of the player's cards who used an effect at any point in the turn are refreshed, and able to use their effect again going into the opponent's turn. By the end of their turn, if the player has more than 7 cards, they must discard cards from their hand until 7 remain.

After all 5 phases have passed, the players turn officially ends, and the opponent begins their turn, starting anew from the draw phase.

Card Effects

Card effects are typically limited to the turn that that card is played. For example, a card effect that provides a card +1/+1 power/resolve would only last until the end of the turn, unless otherwise stated, OR if the card is an Item card. More on those below.

Card Breakdown

Within the game, there are 4 kinds of cards (So far), Creature, Item, Event, and Battlefield cards.

Creature Cards.

All creature cards have 4 core values to keep in mind, Power, Resolve, Faction, and Summoning Cost. Power serves as a card's offensive value in combat. Resolve serves as a card's defensive value in combat, and doubles as a card's health. Factions are groupings of cards that can often share effects and traits together. Summoning Cost is how much mana a card needs in order to be summoned.

Item Cards.

All item cards (similarly to Creature Cards) have Power, Resolve, and Summon Cost values, but for items, these values are added to the attached card's values. Items can only be attached (Equip) to creatures, and they last until the creature dies, or otherwise leaves the field, following it's equip card. If returned to the hand, send to the discard pile, or otherwise leaves the field, it is detached from the equip card. When a Item card increases a card's power or resolve, those effects stay on the equip card until the item is unequipped or removed from the parent card.

If a card would have it's resolve decreased by having it's equip card removed, it's handled by having it's maximum resolve decreased, not it's current resolve. For example, lets say you had a card with 1/1 power/resolve, and give it an item giving it +1/+2, then that card enters combat, dropping it down to 2/1. If by an opponent's card effect it lost that +1/+2 item now, it's stats would be 1/1 once again. If an equip card explicitly lowers a card's stats, it is possible for a card to be killed as a result, but drops in power will always bottom out at 0 power at any given time.

Event Cards.

Event Cards function as instant effects that can be played from the hand on either player's turn. Event cards will often have a summon cost to be played, but may also have a condition that must be met in order to be activated. Events can also be activated in response to another player's event, including your own. This means that event cards are subject to the order that they're played, in a reverse stack. For example, creature A uses an effect that returns creature B to the opponent's hand. You activate and event that destroys creature A instead. If that effect resolves, creature A would be destroyed before creature B returns to the hand. However, if the opponent then played an event that prevent the activation of event cards that turn, then the first event would be negated, and creature B returns to the hand, while creature A remains unharmed.

Other events may take place over the course of a single turn instead of instantly, based on the card effect. The initial playing of those cards can allow for an event response, but only against it's initial playing on the field.

Department Cards.

Department cards function as continuous effects on the field, and between you and your opponent only a single department may be in play at a given time. If a department is in play and you attempt to play a new one, discard the old department, unless otherwise stated by a card effect. Department cards with an active effect are resolved when stated, or during the play phase if not otherwise stated. Use of department cards and their fitting factions is the key to tying your deck's themes and strengths together!

Maintaining a healthy ratio of department cards, creature cards, events, and item cards is important to being able to activate the cards you want in the order you want to to be activated.

Special EffectsMany cards possess special effects. Some of these effects exist as on several cards as keywords, which are listed below:
On SummonThis effect is activated once it's creature cost is paid and it enters the battlefield.
On EquipThis effect is activated once it's item cost is paid and it enters the battlefield, equipping itself to a chosen card on your side of the field (Unless otherwise stated).
AsimovCreatures possessing this trait cannot attack or defend against creatures with the Human subtype.
ChangelingThis creature possesses all creature subtypes simultaneously. Any effects which affect a specific subtype apply to Changelings.
GraytideWhen this creature enters the battlefield, it gains +1/+1 for the number of creatures on your side of the field with Graytide, until the end of the turn.
HolyImmunity to all event cards.
TauntAll opposing creature attacks must be directed towards the creature with Taunt.
First StrikeThis creature has attack priority in combat.
DeadeyeThis creature can always hit opponents, regardless of effects or immunities.
Squad TacticsWhen this creature attacks an opponent's creature and defeats it in combat, the owner of the defeated card takes 1 lifeshard of damage from combat.
ImmunityThe creature cannot be affected by card effects or combat of its immunity type. This includes both friendly and opposing effects.
FuryThe creature must attack at every possibility.
BlockerThe creature cannot declare attacks, but can defend.
HivemindThe creature enters combat with a hivemind token on it. The first time this card would take damage, remove that token instead. This does not apply to immediate removal effects, only points of damage.
ClockworkThe creature can copy a single keyword on another creature on the field, until they lose the clockwork keyword or leave the field.

Card Combat

Card combat is determined as follows. On your turn, any non-tapped creature card with a positive attack power is capable of declaring an attack. Upon declaring an attack, you must state if you're attacking your opponent directly, or if you're going to attack a specific opponent's creature. Unless otherwise stated, cards can only attack or defend one time per turn.

An attack against a creature resolves as follows:Both creatures will do their power as damage to the opponent's creature's resolve. Damage is typically dealt at the same time, and if both creatures would kill each other through combat, both are destroyed at the same time. If One or both creatures would not be destroyed by combat, they would have their health reduced by the difference of their resolve minus their opponent's power, until the start of your next turn. If the attacker or defender has a keyword or effect that prevents them from attacking their opponent (Like silicon, immunity), then they are not able to attack, but may still defend against the opponent's attack. Once combat has resolved, all remaining participants become tapped.

A direct attack resolves as follows:The attacking creature declares an attack against the opponent's lifeshards. Your opponent may then declare a defender if one is available, who will then turn the combat into an attack against a creature for the purposes of combat that turn. If the attack is not blocked, and the direct attack connects, then your opponent loses a number of lifeshards equal to the attacking creatures power.

How to Win

This part is simple. Each player starts the match with 20 Life Shards. When an opponent attacks you directly, you will lose lifeshards (unless otherwise stated). Alternatively, when either player attempts to draw a card from their deck and has nothing else remaining, the drawing player must lose 1 life shard, but may draw a chosen card from their discard pile instead. You win the match by reducing your opponent's lifeshards to zero.

Card combat plays a large part to winning, as blockers and taunts are the only things keeping your opponent from attacking you directly. Maintaining a field advantage can win you the game quite easily, but card removal and effects can overpower any brute force strategy.

Tips N Tricks!

Follows these Tips N Tricks to become the ultimate /TG/C player on the station!

  • There are several rarities of cards! Every Pack comes with 5 common cards, 1 guaranteed rare or better, and occasionally a coin for flipping!
  • A wise man once said, "the card game is deep". Experiment with card effects, combos, and strategies!
  • Did you know that 2% of all profits of /TG/C cards is sent to charity?*
  • Building a deck that revolves around multiple departments can be the key to victory against some strategies!
  • The Quartermaster will never be a head of staff. Not even in fiction.
  • /TG/C cards are individually printed on paper made from the last of the California Redwoods!
  • We've never heard of 'magic' or 'porkmen' or 'yumigoes'. Stop Emailing us about it.
  • There are some clever ways to activate once-per-turn effects a second time.
  • Playing /TG/C while driving or operating heavy machinery is not advised, if you want to look like a DORK that is.
  • By charity, we mean we literally just throw it away.

Card List

Card List
NameCostPowerResolveRules TextCard TypeCard SubtypeRarityFactionSet
Angry Stickman111On summon: If another 'Angry Stickman' card has been destroyed, you may summon it for at double cost. This ability may be activated only once per turn.CreatureConstructUncommonXenoCore
Armored Changeling628ChangelingCreatureAbominationRareSyndicateCore
Staff Assistant111Greytide, for every card with 'Greytide', this card has +1/+1 on the field.CreatureHuman EmployeeCommonServiceCore
Atmospheric Technician423On Summon: Search your deck for an Atmospherics Battlefield card, and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.CreatureHuman EngineerCommonEngineeringCore
Bartender332CreatureHuman EmployeeCommonServiceCore
Botanist114CreatureHuman EmployeeCommonServiceCore
Captain755Tap this card: inflict -1/-1 to an opposing creature card.CreatureHuman CommanderRareCommandCore
Apadyne Technologies Mk.2 R.I.O.T. Suit (Captain's Version)3-15On equip: tap the equipped card for 2 turns, without triggering the target card's effects.EquipmentArmourEpicCommandCore
Cargo Technician231Once per turn, you may give 'Cargo Technician' -1/0 until the start of your next turn and gain 1 mana.CreatureHuman EmployeeCommonCargoCore
Crusader Armour222HolyEquipmentArmourCommonServiceCore
Chemist203Tap this card: flip a coin. If heads: a friendly Medical Faction card gains 0/+2. If tails, an opponents creature of your choice gains +2/0.CreatureHuman DoctorCommonMedicalCore
Chief Engineer536If a battlefield card would otherwise be destroyed by an opponent's card effect, you may sacrifice an Engineering faction card of yours in play to negate the battlefield's destruction.CreatureHuman EngineerUncommonEngineeringCore
Nakamura Engineering R.I.G.Suit (Advanced)303Tap this card: tap the equipped creature. The equipped creature avoids the effects of the active battlefield until removed from the field.EquipmentArmorRareEngineeringCore
Chief Medical Officer545If a Medical faction card on your side of the field would gain power or resolve from an event, equipment, or card effect, it gains +1 more.CreatureHuman DoctorCommonMedicalCore
DeForest Medical Corporation 'Lifesaver' Carapace313Tap this card: tap the equipped creature and re-equip 'DeForest Medical Corporation 'Lifesaver' Carapace' on a different creature on your side of the field. This effect may be activated once per turn.EquipmentArmourUncommonMedicalCore
Chrono Legionnaire462If this card is destroyed or discarded, flip 3 coins. If the result has 2 or more heads, add this card back to your hand. Otherwise, send it to your graveyard.CreatureHuman SoldierEpicSecurityCore
Citrus203Tap this card: Tap an opponent's card until the start of your next turnCreatureSlothCommonCargoCore
Cyborg (Clown Shell)224Taunt, AsimovCreatureSilicon ClownUncommonServiceCore
HONK Ltd. Entertainment Voidsuit100On Equip: give the equipped unit Taunt.EquipmentArmourEpicServiceCore
Abductor Combat Armour413On Equip: give the equipped unit Effect Immunity and Spell ImmunityEquipmentArmourUncommonSyndicateCore
Cook332First StrikeCreatureHuman EmployeeCommonServiceCore
Wizard Federation Standard Issue Hardsuit131On Equip: The equipped creature cannot attack targets with Holy.EquipmentArmourRareSyndicateCore
Curator211On Summon: Draw 1 card: if it's an event card, discard itCreatureHuman WorkerCommonServiceCore
Borgi Ian203Asimov. You may sacrifice this card in play: Summon a Silicon type card from your hand worth up to double this card's cost.CreatureSilicon CorgiRareScienceCore
Apadyne Technologies Mk.3 R.I.O.T. Carapace133On Equip: if the equipped creature is of the Security faction, it gains Taunt.EquipmentArmourEpicSecurityCore
Detective532DeadeyeCreatureHuman OfficerUncommonSecurityCore
Elite Syndicate Nuclear Stormtrooper755FuryCreatureSyndicate SoldierRareSyndicateCore
Cyborg (Engineering Shell)222AsimovCreatureSiliconCommonSiliconCore
NT P.A.V. Suit (Command)222While equipped, give the equipped unit Squad Tactics and First Strike.EquipmentArmourRareCommandCore
NT P.A.V. Suit (Engineering)111While equipped, give the equipped unit Squad Tactics.EquipmentArmourUncommonEngineeringCore
NT P.A.V. Suit (Medical)212While equipped, give the equipped unit Squad Tactics.EquipmentArmourUncommonMedicalCore
NT P.A.V. Suit (Security)221While equipped, give the equipped unit Squad Tactics.EquipmentArmourUncommonSecurityCore
Explorer222You may tap this card: Flip a coin, if heads, gain 4 mana this turn, if tails, tap this card for 2 turns.CreatureHuman ExplorerLegendaryCargoCore
Geneticist334You may tap this card and pay 3 mana: Give a friendly creature Hivemind until this card leaves the field.CreatureHuman ScientistCommonScienceCore
Geneticist [Misprint]836Graytide, HivemindCreatureHuman DoctorMisprintMedicalCore
Ghost Ian311On Summon: Search your deck for a battlefield, and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.CreatureSpirit CorgiEpicServiceCore
Head of Personnel743Once per turn: Select a friendly creature card. That card gains changeling.CreatureHuman CommanderUncommonServiceCore
Head of Security744On Summon: Select a card type. That card type now costs 1 extra mana to summon. This effect persists until Head of Security is removed from the battlefield.CreatureHuman OfficerUncommonSecurityCore
Apadyne Technologies 'Tyrant' Class Hardshell542Grant the equip card Fury until this card is removed from play.EquipmentArmourRareSecurityCore
Ian403Holy, You may Sacrifice this card on the field: Play a Command card from your hand for free.CreatureCorgiCommonServiceCore
Inquisitor's Hardsuit422Apply First Strike to the equip creature.EquipmentArmourEpicServiceCore
Intern111First StrikeHumanHuman EmployeeCommonCommandCore
Janitor111TauntHumanHuman EmployeeCommonServiceCore
Lawyer204When an opponent attacks with a creature with 3 or more power, this card gains Taunt.CreatureHuman EmployeeCommonServiceCore
Legion321When Legion is destroyed, search your deck for a human card, and summon it to the battlefield. Shuffle your deck afterward.CreatureAbominationUncommonXenoCore
Cyborg (Medical Shell)423Asimov, you may tap this card and pay 2 mana: Reset a card's resolve to it's original value.CreatureSilicon DoctorUncommonMedicalCore
Medical Doctor323You may tap this card: Select a card that has less attack than this card from your graveyard, and summon it to your side of the field.CreatureHuman DoctorCommonMedicalCore
Mime121You may tap this card: Pick an opponent's card and nullify it's effect until it leaves play.CreatureMimeUncommonServiceCore
Cyborg (Mining Shell)231Asimov, at the end of your turn, if this card is not tapped, you may tap this card at the start of your next turn to gain 1 mana.CreatureSilicon MinerCommonCargoCore
Monkey111Greytide, this card is considered Human with a Geneticist on your side of the field.CreaturePrimateCommonScienceCore
Nuclear Operative442Squad TacticsCreatureSyndicate SoldierRareSyndicateCore
Paramedic323Taunt, First StrikeCreatureHuman DoctorCommonMedicalCore
Cyborg (Peacekeeper Shell)233Asimov, this card loses -1 power for every creature on your opponent's side of the fieldCreatureSilicon OfficerUncommonSecurityCore
Station Engineer (Plasmaman)524Immunity to BattlefieldsCreaturePlasmamanCommonEngineeringCore
Quartermaster633Pay 3 mana and tap this card: All card cards on your side of the field gain +1/+1 until the end of this turn.CreatureHuman EmployeeUncommonCargoCore
Quartermaster [Misprint]1066Pay 8 mana and permanantly tap this card: All cargo cards on your side of the field gain +2/+2 until this card leaves play.CreatureHuman EmployeeMisprintCargoCore
Personal AI Device (Rabbit Shell)201This card may steal the Asimov keyword off of another friendly silicon creature.CreatureSilicon RabbitCommonScienceCore
Personal AI Device (Drone Shell)524You may pay 1 mana and tap this card: a silicon card may attack one additional time this turn.CreatureSilicon DroneCommonScienceCore
Research Director725Once per turn, you may tap all Science faction cards in play, activate the effect of an event card twice.CreatureHuman ScientistUncommonScienceCore
Nakamura Engineering B.O.M.B.Suit100Reduces all battlefield damage to the equipped creature by 2.EquipmentArmourRareScienceCore
Roboticist322If a Asimov card on your side of the field is destroyed, you may pay 2 mana and tap this card: Return that card to your hand.CreatureHuman ScientistUncommonScienceCore
Runtime301You may sacrifice this card: reduce the cost of summoning a medical faction card this turn by 2 mana.CreatureCatUncommonMedicalCore
Scientist412When this card is targeted by an opponent's single target event, you gain 1 lifeshard.CreatureHuman ScientistCommonScienceCore
Cyborg (Security Shell)642Asimov, when this card targets a human creature, deal 1 damage to it after the battle resolves.CreatureSilicon OfficerEpicSecurityCore
Security Officer322Squad TacticsCreatureHuman OfficerCommonSecurityCore
Ratvarian Clockwork Cuirass422While equipped, give the equipped unit Clockwork.EquipmentArmourEpicSyndicateCore
Cyborg (Service Shell- Beercan)111Asimov, you may discard this card: draw one Service Faction card from your deck, then shuffle.CreatureSiliconUncommonServiceCore
Cyborg (Service Shell- Flamboyant)101Asimov, gains +2/+2 when it's the only card on your side of the field.CreatureSiliconCommonServiceCore
Cyborg (Service Shell- Skirted)103AsimovCreatureSiliconCommonServiceCore
Cyborg (Service Shell- Classic)211Asimov, for every piece of equipment in play, gain +1 temporary resolve during the opponent's turn. That temporary resolve is lost at the start of your turn.CreatureSiliconCommonServiceCore
Cyborg (Service Shell- Ritzy)112AsimovCreatureSiliconCommonServiceCore
Shaft Miner553Once per turn, you may pay 1 mana and tap this card: Draw one card from your deck, and either discard it, or send it to the bottom of your deck.CreatureHuman MinerRareCargoCore
Station Engineer422Tap this card: Reduce the damage a card would take this turn from a battlefield to zero.CreatureHuman EngineerCommonEngineeringCore
Swarmer101Greytide, Immunity to Engineering creature cards.CreatureRobotRareSyndicateCore
Virologist351CreatureHuman DoctorUncommonMedicalCore
Warden424Squad Tactics, BlockerCreatureHuman OfficerUncommonSecurityCore
Xenomorph Hunter (2560 Core Set)423HivemindCreatureXenomorphRareXenoCore
Tough Choices2Draw the top three cards from your deck. Summon one at no cost, and discard the other two.EventInstantCommonSyndicateCore
Bluespace Barrage3Destroy any creature on the opponent's battlefield. If your opponent has no creatures, deal 2 damage directly to them.EventInstantUncommonSecurityCore
Glitch in the System1Select a Creature with Asimov that you control. Remove the Asimov trait from it.EventInstantCommonScienceCore
Adrenals1Grant +2/+1 to a Creature card that you control.EventInstantCommonMedicalCore
Atmospherics Incident3While this card is active, deal 1/1 to every creature during the First Effect Phase.BattlefieldAtmosphericsRareEngineeringCore
Psychologist111CreatureHuman DoctorCommonMedicalCore
Justifiable Casualties2Sacrifice two friendly creatures from the battlefield, then summon a creature from your hand at no mana cost.EventInstantUncommonSecurityCore
Bluespace Flux3While this card is active, once a round during the play phase each player may pay 2 mana to summon the top card from their deck.BattlefieldAnomalyCommonScienceCore
Bag of Greed3Draw two cards from your deck.EventInstantUncommonScienceCore
Economy Crash2All cards cost 1 extra mana to summon.BattlefieldEventCommonCargoCore
Black Ambrosia Gaia0During the draw phase, you may sacrifice Ambrosia Gaia to gain 3 mana.ArtifactPlantLegendaryServiceCore
Good Planning2Search your deck for an equipment card. Add it to your hand, then shuffle your deck.EventInstantCommonSecurityCore
Revenant323When a creature on your battlefield dies, Revenant gains 1/0.CreatureSpiritRareSyndicateCore
Re-Education2Destroy any creature on the opponent's battlefield.EventInstantUncommonSecurityCore
Immoral Surgeon4242 Mana- You may tap Immoral Surgeon and give a creature +1/+1.CreatureLizard DoctorUncommonMedicalCore
Committed Botanist423While Committed Botanist is on your battlefield, you can play Plant and Service cards at half their cost, rounded up.CreaturePlant WorkerRareServiceCore
Scientist (Moth)122CreatureMoth ScientistCommonScienceCore
Inducer0Pay 3 lifeshards: Gain 3 mana this turn.EventInstantCommonEngineeringCore
Fryer2For 2 mana: Tap this card and destroy an opposing equipment card.EventInstantUncommonServiceCore
Scroll of the Sleeping Carp331On equip: Your opponent must show you one card in their hand of their choice.EquipmentWeaponEpicSyndicateCore
The Nuclear Option3Destroy the active battlefield card. Deal 2 damage to all creatures on both battlefields.EventInstantRareSyndicateCore
B.E.P.I.S. Chamber000Flip a coin. If heads, gain 2 mana. If tails, lose up to 2 mana.EventInstantCommonScienceCore
Weekend at Nanotrasen's3Return a creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield.EventInstantUncommonMedicalCore
Disco Inferno400For 2 mana: Tap this card permanantly. While tapped, all active creatures take 3 damage during the first play phase of each turn. This card is destroyed after 2 turns of being tapped.BattlefieldShuttleUncommonScienceCore
Xenoborg657Asimov. Once per turn, you may sacrifice a silicon card, and pay the difference between that card's summon cost and this card's summon cost to summon this card from your hand.CreatureSilicon XenomorphEpicScienceResin Frontier
Xenomorph Sentinel435HivemindCreatureXenomorphCommonXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Drone211Hivemind. Tap this card: you may summon a Xeno faction creature for 1 less mana this turn.CreatureXenomorphCommonXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Hunter (Resin Frontier)563If this card destroys a creature via combat, you may discard a card in your hand to add a card from your discard pile to your hand, whose summon cost is 2 or less.CreatureXenomorphUncommonXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Spitter333Hivemind. Tap this card: draw the top 2 cards of your deck, you may re-arrange their order, then return them to the top of your deck.CreatureXenomorphUncommonXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Runner323First Strike, HivemindCreatureXenomorphCommonXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Praetorian536Hivemind. If you have 2 or more other Xeno cards on your field alongside this card, you may sacrifice 3 Xeno cards and add Xenomorph Queen to your hand from your deck.CreatureXenomorphRareXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Hivelord313Hivemind. For two mana, tap this card and summon a 0/2 Resin Wall counter creature. Each Resin Wall has Blocker.CreatureXenomorphRareXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Boiler462Hivemind. If this card attacks, it is tapped for an additional turn before it is untapped.CreatureXenomorphRareXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Ravager342Hivemind, FuryCreatureXenomorphRareXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Crusher316Hivemind, BlockerCreatureXenomorphRareXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Defender212Hivemind, BlockerCreatureXenomorphCommonXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Warrior444HivemindCreatureXenomorphUncommonXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Queen (Resin Frontier)555For 2 mana, tap the equipped creature and summon a 1/1 Xenomorph Brood counter creature, with Hivemind.EquipmentArmorEpicXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Carrier322Hivemind, Squad TacticsCreatureXenomorphUncommonXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Defiler313Hivemind. When this card attacks a target enemy creature, calculate damage as though the target creature has this card's power subtracted from it first.CreatureXenomorphRareXenoResin Frontier
Predalien343Hivemind, ChangelingCreatureXenomorph SoldierLegendaryXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Shrike231Hivemind. If Xenomorph Queen would be destroyed, you may re-equip Xenomorph Queen on this card instead, once per game.CreatureXenomorphRareXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Bull653First Strike, HivemindCreatureXenomorphUncommonXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Hivemind101DefenderCreatureXenomorphUncommonXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Screecher232DeadeyeCreatureXenomorphEpicXenoResin Frontier
Xenomorph Creep543Tap this card: Until the start of your next turn, this card has immunity to Xeno Creatures.CreatureXenomorphCommonXenoResin Frontier
Tactical Game Cards - /tg/station 13 Wiki (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.