SOLANA PRICE PREDICTION 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 (2024)

2024/06/28. Solana Price Today

Solana price equal to 144.78 dollars a coin. Today's traded price range: $143.68 - $150.54. The previous day close: $149.49. The change was -4.71, -3.15%. Inverse rate: USD to SOL.

SOLANA PRICE PREDICTION 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 (1)144.78-3.15%

Solana Price Prediction For 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 And 2028

2026 Continuation

Solana price prediction for June 2024.
In the beginning price at 167 dollars. High price 175, while low price 128. The average for the month $155. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $150, change for June -10.2%.

Solana forecast for July 2024.
In the beginning price at 150 dollars. High price 186, while low price 120. The average for the month $147. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $130, change for July -13.3%.

Solana price prediction for August 2024.
In the beginning price at 130 dollars. High price 162, while low price 126. The average for the month $142. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $151, change for August 16.2%.

Solana Price Prediction Tomorrow & Month.

Stellar Price Prediction 2024, 2025-2028.

Solana forecast for September 2024.
In the beginning price at 151 dollars. High price 151, while low price 118. The average for the month $137. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $127, change for September -15.9%.

Solana price prediction for October 2024.
In the beginning price at 127 dollars. High price 157, while low price 127. The average for the month $140. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $147, change for October 15.7%.

Solana forecast for November 2024.
In the beginning price at 147 dollars. High price 183, while low price 147. The average for the month $162. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $171, change for November 16.3%.

Solana price prediction for December 2024.
In the beginning price at 171 dollars. High price 185, while low price 161. The average for the month $173. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $173, change for December 1.2%.

Solana forecast for January 2025.
In the beginning price at 173 dollars. High price 215, while low price 173. The average for the month $191. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $201, change for January 16.2%.

Solana price prediction for February 2025.
In the beginning price at 201 dollars. High price 249, while low price 201. The average for the month $221. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $233, change for February 15.9%.

Solana forecast for March 2025.
In the beginning price at 233 dollars. High price 289, while low price 233. The average for the month $256. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $270, change for March 15.9%.

Solana price prediction for April 2025.
In the beginning price at 270 dollars. High price 312, while low price 270. The average for the month $286. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $292, change for April 8.1%.

Solana forecast for May 2025.
In the beginning price at 292 dollars. High price 325, while low price 283. The average for the month $301. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $304, change for May 4.1%.

Solana price prediction for June 2025.
In the beginning price at 304 dollars. High price 378, while low price 304. The average for the month $335. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $353, change for June 16.1%.

Solana forecast for July 2025.
In the beginning price at 353 dollars. High price 386, while low price 336. The average for the month $359. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $361, change for July 2.3%.

Solana price prediction for August 2025.
In the beginning price at 361 dollars. High price 395, while low price 343. The average for the month $367. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $369, change for August 2.2%.

Solana forecast for September 2025.
In the beginning price at 369 dollars. High price 424, while low price 368. The average for the month $389. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $396, change for September 7.3%.

Solana price prediction for October 2025.
In the beginning price at 396 dollars. High price 427, while low price 371. The average for the month $398. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $399, change for October 0.8%.

Solana forecast for November 2025.
In the beginning price at 399 dollars. High price 399, while low price 339. The average for the month $376. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $365, change for November -8.5%.

Solana price prediction for December 2025.
In the beginning price at 365 dollars. High price 453, while low price 365. The average for the month $402. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $423, change for December 15.9%.

Solana forecast for January 2026.
In the beginning price at 423 dollars. High price 423, while low price 330. The average for the month $383. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $355, change for January -16.1%.

Solana price prediction for February 2026.
In the beginning price at 355 dollars. High price 355, while low price 277. The average for the month $321. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $298, change for February -16.1%.

Solana forecast for March 2026.
In the beginning price at 298 dollars. High price 312, while low price 272. The average for the month $294. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $292, change for March -2.0%.

Solana price prediction for April 2026.
In the beginning price at 292 dollars. High price 330, while low price 286. The average for the month $304. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $308, change for April 5.5%.

Solana forecast for May 2026.
In the beginning price at 308 dollars. High price 308, while low price 241. The average for the month $279. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $259, change for May -15.9%.

Solana price prediction for June 2026.
In the beginning price at 259 dollars. High price 321, while low price 259. The average for the month $285. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $300, change for June 15.8%.

Solana forecast for July 2026.
In the beginning price at 300 dollars. High price 300, while low price 234. The average for the month $272. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $252, change for July -16.0%.

Solana price prediction for August 2026.
In the beginning price at 252 dollars. High price 252, while low price 197. The average for the month $228. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $212, change for August -15.9%.

Solana forecast for September 2026.
In the beginning price at 212 dollars. High price 212, while low price 166. The average for the month $192. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $178, change for September -16.0%.

Sushi Price Prediction 2024, 2025-2028.

Solana price prediction for October 2026.
In the beginning price at 178 dollars. High price 220, while low price 178. The average for the month $196. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $206, change for October 15.7%.

Solana forecast for November 2026.
In the beginning price at 206 dollars. High price 216, while low price 188. The average for the month $203. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $202, change for November -1.9%.

Solana price prediction for December 2026.
In the beginning price at 202 dollars. High price 202, while low price 158. The average for the month $183. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $170, change for December -15.8%.

Solana forecast for January 2027.
In the beginning price at 170 dollars. High price 170, while low price 133. The average for the month $154. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $143, change for January -15.9%.

Solana price prediction for February 2027.
In the beginning price at 143 dollars. High price 159, while low price 139. The average for the month $148. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $149, change for February 4.2%.

Solana forecast for March 2027.
In the beginning price at 149 dollars. High price 185, while low price 149. The average for the month $164. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $173, change for March 16.1%.

Solana price prediction for April 2027.
In the beginning price at 173 dollars. High price 215, while low price 173. The average for the month $191. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $201, change for April 16.2%.

Solana forecast for May 2027.
In the beginning price at 201 dollars. High price 249, while low price 201. The average for the month $221. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $233, change for May 15.9%.

Solana price prediction for June 2027.
In the beginning price at 233 dollars. High price 258, while low price 224. The average for the month $239. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $241, change for June 3.4%.

Solana forecast for July 2027.
In the beginning price at 241 dollars. High price 279, while low price 241. The average for the month $256. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $261, change for July 8.3%.

Solana price prediction for August 2027.
In the beginning price at 261 dollars. High price 261, while low price 204. The average for the month $236. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $219, change for August -16.1%.

Solana forecast for September 2027.
In the beginning price at 219 dollars. High price 272, while low price 219. The average for the month $241. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $254, change for September 16.0%.

Solana price prediction for October 2027.
In the beginning price at 254 dollars. High price 316, while low price 254. The average for the month $280. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $295, change for October 16.1%.

Solana forecast for November 2027.
In the beginning price at 295 dollars. High price 366, while low price 295. The average for the month $325. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $342, change for November 15.9%.

Solana price prediction for December 2027.
In the beginning price at 342 dollars. High price 425, while low price 342. The average for the month $377. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $397, change for December 16.1%.

Solana forecast for January 2028.
In the beginning price at 397 dollars. High price 493, while low price 397. The average for the month $437. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $461, change for January 16.1%.

OIL PRICE FORECAST 2024, 2025-2028.

GOLD PRICE FORECAST 2024, 2025-2028.

Solana price prediction for February 2028.
In the beginning price at 461 dollars. High price 572, while low price 461. The average for the month $507. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $535, change for February 16.1%.

Solana forecast for March 2028.
In the beginning price at 535 dollars. High price 535, while low price 460. The average for the month $506. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $495, change for March -7.5%.

Solana price prediction for April 2028.
In the beginning price at 495 dollars. High price 546, while low price 474. The average for the month $506. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $510, change for April 3.0%.

Solana forecast for May 2028.
In the beginning price at 510 dollars. High price 633, while low price 510. The average for the month $561. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $592, change for May 16.1%.

Solana price prediction for June 2028.
In the beginning price at 592 dollars. High price 613, while low price 533. The average for the month $578. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $573, change for June -3.2%.

Solana forecast for July 2028.
In the beginning price at 573 dollars. High price 672, while low price 573. The average for the month $612. Solana price forecast at the end of the month $628, change for July 9.6%.




USD to SOL exchange rate equal to 0.6907 coins per 100 Dollars. Today's range: 0.6643-0.6960. The previous day's close: 0.6689. Change for today +0.0218, +3.26%.

SOLANA PRICE PREDICTION 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 (2)0.6907+3.26%

Dollar to Solana Price Prediction For 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 And 2028

2026 Continuation

USD to SOL prediction for June 2024.
In the beginning price at 0.599 coins. High price 0.781, while low 0.571. The averaged price 0.655. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.667, change for June 11.4%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for July 2024.
In the beginning price at 0.667 coins. High price 0.833, while low 0.538. The averaged price 0.702. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.769, change for July 15.3%.

USD to SOL prediction for August 2024.
In the beginning price at 0.769 coins. High price 0.794, while low 0.617. The averaged price 0.711. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.662, change for August -13.9%.

DOLLAR INDEX (DXY) FORECAST 2024, 2025-2028.

Dollar to Solana forecast for September 2024.
In the beginning price at 0.662 coins. High price 0.847, while low 0.662. The averaged price 0.740. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.787, change for September 18.9%.

USD to SOL prediction for October 2024.
In the beginning price at 0.787 coins. High price 0.787, while low 0.637. The averaged price 0.723. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.680, change for October -13.6%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for November 2024.
In the beginning price at 0.680 coins. High price 0.680, while low 0.546. The averaged price 0.623. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.585, change for November -14.0%.

USD to SOL prediction for December 2024.
In the beginning price at 0.585 coins. High price 0.621, while low 0.541. The averaged price 0.581. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.578, change for December -1.2%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for January 2025.
In the beginning price at 0.578 coins. High price 0.578, while low 0.465. The averaged price 0.530. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.498, change for January -13.8%.

USD to SOL prediction for February 2025.
In the beginning price at 0.498 coins. High price 0.498, while low 0.402. The averaged price 0.457. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.429, change for February -13.9%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for March 2025.
In the beginning price at 0.429 coins. High price 0.429, while low 0.346. The averaged price 0.394. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.370, change for March -13.8%.

USD to SOL prediction for April 2025.
In the beginning price at 0.370 coins. High price 0.370, while low 0.321. The averaged price 0.351. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.342, change for April -7.6%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for May 2025.
In the beginning price at 0.342 coins. High price 0.353, while low 0.308. The averaged price 0.333. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.329, change for May -3.8%.

USD to SOL prediction for June 2025.
In the beginning price at 0.329 coins. High price 0.329, while low 0.265. The averaged price 0.302. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.283, change for June -14.0%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for July 2025.
In the beginning price at 0.283 coins. High price 0.298, while low 0.259. The averaged price 0.279. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.277, change for July -2.1%.

USD to SOL prediction for August 2025.
In the beginning price at 0.277 coins. High price 0.292, while low 0.253. The averaged price 0.273. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.271, change for August -2.2%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for September 2025.
In the beginning price at 0.271 coins. High price 0.272, while low 0.236. The averaged price 0.258. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.253, change for September -6.6%.

USD to SOL prediction for October 2025.
In the beginning price at 0.253 coins. High price 0.270, while low 0.234. The averaged price 0.252. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.251, change for October -0.8%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for November 2025.
In the beginning price at 0.251 coins. High price 0.295, while low 0.251. The averaged price 0.268. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.274, change for November 9.2%.

USD to SOL prediction for December 2025.
In the beginning price at 0.274 coins. High price 0.274, while low 0.221. The averaged price 0.251. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.236, change for December -13.9%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for January 2026.
In the beginning price at 0.236 coins. High price 0.303, while low 0.236. The averaged price 0.264. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.282, change for January 19.5%.

USD to SOL prediction for February 2026.
In the beginning price at 0.282 coins. High price 0.361, while low 0.282. The averaged price 0.315. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.336, change for February 19.1%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for March 2026.
In the beginning price at 0.336 coins. High price 0.368, while low 0.321. The averaged price 0.342. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.342, change for March 1.8%.

USD to SOL prediction for April 2026.
In the beginning price at 0.342 coins. High price 0.350, while low 0.303. The averaged price 0.330. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.325, change for April -5.0%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for May 2026.
In the beginning price at 0.325 coins. High price 0.415, while low 0.325. The averaged price 0.363. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.386, change for May 18.8%.

USD to SOL prediction for June 2026.
In the beginning price at 0.386 coins. High price 0.386, while low 0.312. The averaged price 0.354. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.333, change for June -13.7%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for July 2026.
In the beginning price at 0.333 coins. High price 0.427, while low 0.333. The averaged price 0.373. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.397, change for July 19.2%.

USD to SOL prediction for August 2026.
In the beginning price at 0.397 coins. High price 0.508, while low 0.397. The averaged price 0.444. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.472, change for August 18.9%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for September 2026.
In the beginning price at 0.472 coins. High price 0.602, while low 0.472. The averaged price 0.527. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.562, change for September 19.1%.

USD to SOL prediction for October 2026.
In the beginning price at 0.562 coins. High price 0.562, while low 0.455. The averaged price 0.516. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.485, change for October -13.7%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for November 2026.
In the beginning price at 0.485 coins. High price 0.532, while low 0.463. The averaged price 0.494. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.495, change for November 2.1%.

USD to SOL prediction for December 2026.
In the beginning price at 0.495 coins. High price 0.633, while low 0.495. The averaged price 0.553. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.588, change for December 18.8%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for January 2027.
In the beginning price at 0.588 coins. High price 0.752, while low 0.588. The averaged price 0.657. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.699, change for January 18.9%.

USD to SOL prediction for February 2027.
In the beginning price at 0.699 coins. High price 0.719, while low 0.629. The averaged price 0.680. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.671, change for February -4.0%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for March 2027.
In the beginning price at 0.671 coins. High price 0.671, while low 0.541. The averaged price 0.615. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.578, change for March -13.9%.

USD to SOL prediction for April 2027.
In the beginning price at 0.578 coins. High price 0.578, while low 0.465. The averaged price 0.530. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.498, change for April -13.8%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for May 2027.
In the beginning price at 0.498 coins. High price 0.498, while low 0.402. The averaged price 0.457. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.429, change for May -13.9%.

USD to SOL prediction for June 2027.
In the beginning price at 0.429 coins. High price 0.446, while low 0.388. The averaged price 0.420. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.415, change for June -3.3%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for July 2027.
In the beginning price at 0.415 coins. High price 0.415, while low 0.358. The averaged price 0.393. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.383, change for July -7.7%.

USD to SOL prediction for August 2027.
In the beginning price at 0.383 coins. High price 0.490, while low 0.383. The averaged price 0.428. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.457, change for August 19.3%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for September 2027.
In the beginning price at 0.457 coins. High price 0.457, while low 0.368. The averaged price 0.419. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.394, change for September -13.8%.

USD to SOL prediction for October 2027.
In the beginning price at 0.394 coins. High price 0.394, while low 0.316. The averaged price 0.361. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.339, change for October -14.0%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for November 2027.
In the beginning price at 0.339 coins. High price 0.339, while low 0.273. The averaged price 0.311. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.292, change for November -13.9%.

USD to SOL prediction for December 2027.
In the beginning price at 0.292 coins. High price 0.292, while low 0.235. The averaged price 0.268. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.252, change for December -13.7%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for January 2028.
In the beginning price at 0.252 coins. High price 0.252, while low 0.203. The averaged price 0.231. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.217, change for January -13.9%.

USD to SOL prediction for February 2028.
In the beginning price at 0.217 coins. High price 0.217, while low 0.175. The averaged price 0.199. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.187, change for February -13.8%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for March 2028.
In the beginning price at 0.187 coins. High price 0.217, while low 0.187. The averaged price 0.198. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.202, change for March 8.0%.

USD to SOL prediction for April 2028.
In the beginning price at 0.202 coins. High price 0.211, while low 0.183. The averaged price 0.198. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.196, change for April -3.0%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for May 2028.
In the beginning price at 0.196 coins. High price 0.196, while low 0.158. The averaged price 0.180. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.169, change for May -13.8%.

USD to SOL prediction for June 2028.
In the beginning price at 0.169 coins. High price 0.188, while low 0.163. The averaged price 0.174. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.175, change for June 3.6%.

Dollar to Solana forecast for July 2028.
In the beginning price at 0.175 coins. High price 0.175, while low 0.149. The averaged price 0.165. The USD to SOL forecast at the end of the month 0.159, change for July -9.1%.

The predictions are updated on daily basis. The price is updated every 15 minutes.

SOLANA PRICE PREDICTION 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.