Linus Tech Tips Forums (2025)

1. Linus Media Group

  • Contact Us · Jobs · Work For Hire

  • Linus Media Group creates tech videos for Youtube and We do unboxings, reviews, and commercials.

2. Forums - Linus Tech Tips

  • Forums - Linus Tech Tips · General information · Meta Data Analysis · Rankings · Security & Safety · Geographics · DNS Analysis · SEO Analysis · Similar.

  • is currently an active website, according to alexa, has a global rank of #6543

3. LTT - kijken jullie ernaar? - Films, tv, muziek en boeken - GoT

  • 15 aug 2023 · Even voorop gesteld, ik wil hier geen canceldiscussie van maken, maar bij mij speelt al veel langer dat LTT (Linus Tech Tips) nogal erg raar ...

  • Oon schreef op dinsdag 15 augustus 2023 @ 11:01: [..]

4. Contact Us - Linus Media Group

5. Linus Tech Tips: wat is er aan de hand met een van Youtube's grootste ...

  • 18 aug 2023 · Linus Tech Tips, een van Youtube's grootste techkanalen ligt flink onder vuur. Wat is er allemaal aan de hand?

  • Da's niet best. 😟

6. Thoughts on the Linus Tech Tips Review? - The Products

  • 21 feb 2024 · Fairphone Community Forum · Thoughts on the Linus Tech Tips Review? Discuss The Products · , review, fp5 · jazzforlife February 21, 2024, 11 ...

  • You may have already seen the the review from Linus Tech Tips on the FP5. Here’s the good and the bad. Feel free to share your experiences! Positive The transparent cover Ease of access to the internals Fingerprint sensor on power button Modern WiFi technology Repairability Negative No wireless charging Yellow tint on display at an angle Bezels not symmetrical Too thicc Too heavy Performance doesn’t impress 90Hz setting greatly limits battery life Can’t easily differentiate volume buttons...

7. Linus Tech Tips scherpt bedrijfsprocessen aan om kritiek ...

  • 27 aug 2023 · Linus Tech Tips heeft een nieuwe video gepubliceerd waarin ... Linus reageerde zoals hij in eerste instandie op het forum deed. Hij ...

  • Linus Tech Tips heeft een nieuwe video gepubliceerd waarin wordt ingegaan op de kritiek die het YouTube-kanaal heeft ontvangen. Oprichter Linus Sebastian deelt mee hoe processen zijn aangescherpt, methodologieën gedeeld zullen worden en er transparanter zal worden gewerkt.

8. You thought you didn't like Linus Tech Tips | AnandTech Forums

  • 14 aug 2023 · Linus responded to criticism from Gamers Nexus, admitting to some “growing pains” while expressing “disappointment” in how this went public.

  • Until now. But now .. your opinion .. will change. For the worse. LTT had the bright idea to talk smack about Hardware Unboxing and Gamers Nexus - it does not go well.

9. Linus Tech Tips onder vuur, stopt met video's maken - Gameliner

  • 18 aug 2023 · De spanningen escaleerden op 14 augustus toen Gamers Nexus nog een video uitbracht waarin Sebastian's reactie op het forum werd bekritiseerd.

  • Het populaire tech YouTube-kanaal Linus Tech Tips ligt onder vuur vanwege zijn ethische praktijken, werkcultuur en beschuldigingen van seksuele...

10. FAF on Linus Tech Tips! - FAForever Forums

  • The recent video on Linux tech tips has a huge background for Forged Alliance, then if you look really really close you can see FAF on the desktop!

  • The recent video on Linux tech tips has a huge background for Forged Alliance, then if you look really really close you can see FAF on the desktop! YouTube (7:11)

11. Unraveling The Linus Tech Tips Controversy: What You Need To ...

  • 4 sep 2024 · ... forums. What Are the Implications for Content Creators? The Linus Tech Tips controversy serves as a cautionary tale for content creators in ...

  • The world of technology is ever-evolving, and with it, the personalities that define it. Linus Sebastian, the face behind Linus Tech Tips (LTT), has become a pr

12. Who here watches Linus Tech Tips? - Kerbal Space Program Forums

  • 14 jul 2015 · Fairly simple - who here watches Linus Tech Tips. Either on Youtube or Vessel, it doesn't matter where, it just matters if you watch it or ...

  • Fairly simple - who here watches Linus Tech Tips. Either on Youtube or Vessel, it doesn't matter where, it just matters if you watch it or not I watch it a fair bit, but they havn't really been doing many videos the past 2 weeks... Anyway, vote on ze' poll if you please!

Linus Tech Tips Forums (2025)


Does Madison still work at LTT? ›

On August 16, 2023, former Linus Media Group employee Madison Reeve, who was previously hired after appearing in a Linus Tech Tips video with Sebastian for winning a competition and left the company in late 2021, alleged within a Twitter thread of a hostile work environment while she worked at the company, including ...

How much does Linus Tech Tips employees make? ›

What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Linus Tech Tips Jobs
CityAnnual SalaryMonthly Pay
Fremont, CA$71,649$5,970
Marysville, WA$71,602$5,966
San Jose, CA$69,329$5,777
Oakland, CA$68,825$5,735
6 more rows

How long have Linus and Yvonne been together? ›

Early life

He grew up on a farm with siblings and has been married to Yvonne Ho since May 20, 2011.

Why was LTT deleted? ›

LTT video on de-Googling removed for "violating community guidelines" | Hacker News.

Who was the girl who left LTT? ›

The woman, Madison Reeve, had left the company in 2021 and took to Twitter to talk about her time there recently. In the Twitter thread, she also revealed how she was sexually harassed at LTT and that her mental health was being ruined.

Is Floatplane owned by Linus? ›

Obviously I know Linus owns floatplane, but I assume the split still is present in these numbers. FP much smaller than I thought actually.

What happened to the LTT investigation? ›

The investigation found that: - Claims of bullying and harassment were not substantiated. - Allegations that sexual harassment were ignored or not addressed were false. - Any concerns that were raised were investigated.

How much is LTT worth? ›

LTT with a whole product line, various channels, covering many different topics and a whole army of 102 talented employees of various fields is valued at 100M.

Is Linus still CEO of LTT? ›

It turned out to be true. You have done a great job over the years Linus. You have guided some of my big decisions with tech based on your content. Seeing as you and Yvonne are still technically the owners of LTT, with Terren back as the CEO, I foresee better content and a better life for everyone involved.

Where is Linus Tech Tips headquarters? ›

Linus Media Group, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.

What happened between Linus Tech Tips and Gamer Nexus? ›

The LTT vs Gamers Nexus controversy had been brewing for a few months now, but things heated up when Gamers Nexus released a 45-minute-long video criticizing the Linus Media Group (LMG) for inaccuracy, conflict of interest, and misinformation.

Does Linus from LTT have a degree? ›

I'm a college sophomore majoring in computer engineering. I was wondering what specifically did Linus and Anthony major in and if they got a masters degree? If I remember correctly, Linus was in business, but he dropped out before he finished and went on a hous painting job for a time, before he ended up at NCIX.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 5688

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.