History | Chaminade High School, Mineola, NY (2025)

1930 -- Bro. Alexander J. Ott, S.M., named first principal; June 14, groundbreaking for first building at Chaminade; September 15, first student body numbering 145 students reported for classes at the Bar Building, Franklin Avenue and 15th Street, Mineola, New York; the Mothers and Fathers Clubs founded by Bro. Ott.

1931 -- May 20, classes transferred from the Bar Building to the newly completed Chaminade High School; September 27, dedication of Chaminade High School by the Most Rev. Thomas E. Molloy, S.T.D., Bishop of Brooklyn.

1932 -- Chaminade accredited by the University of the State of New York. The Chaminade Alumni Association founded; Harry Lee serves as its first president.

1933 -- Bro. Thomas J. Powers, S.M., named principal.

1939 -- Bro. Louis J. Faerber, S.M., named principal; the athletic practice field on Jericho Turnpike purchased for Chaminade by the Parents Clubs.

1945 -- Bro. John T. Darby, S.M., named principal.

1947 -- May 1, dedication by the Most Rev. Thomas E. Molloy, S.T.D., of the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary located in the courtyard and donated by the Sodality.

1950 -- May 6 , Centenary Celebration of the death of the Venerable William Joseph Chaminade, founder of the Society of Mary, and the coming of the Marianists to the United States.

1953 -- May 3, dedication of the west wing of the school and of the new wing of the Faculty Residence, including the Chapel of Our Lady's Assumption.

1955 -- Celebration of the 25th anniversary of Chaminade.

1956 -- June 22, dedication of the east wing of the school and of Darby Auditorium.

1959 -- Bro. Albert J. Kozar, S.M., named principal.

1963 -- The Chaminade Alumni Parents Association (CAPA) founded.

1965 -- Bro. John Strickroth, S.M., named first President of Chaminade; Bro. Melvin Kuhbander, S.M., named principal.

1967 -- Rev. Philip K. Eichner, S.M., named president; Bro. Lawrence C. Oleksiak, S.M., named principal; Board of Advisors founded, Mr. Frank J. Fee, Jr. serving as its first chairman.

1968 -- The Chapel of Our Lady's Assumption liturgically reappointed according to the guidelines of the Second Vatican Council.

1969 -- A storage building erected on the north-east corner of the property, the front of the school re-landscaped and the Guidance Center expanded and renovated.

1970 -- September 20, Mass opening the 40th anniversary and dedication of new academic addition and library; October 5, Meribah, the Chaminade Retreat House in Muttontown, New York, purchased.

1971 -- January, the annual Founders Dinner inaugurated.

1972 -- The Collegiate Program initiated with Long Island University.

1976 -- April, carpenter shop added to the faculty garage; November, wrestling room added to the existing athletic facilities.

1977 -- March 12, the brothers began work on Project STAR -- the construction of a swimming pool, an all-weather track and additional brothers' residence; November 7, Bro. Gary B. Eck, S.M., named principal; November 30, Thomas Field purchased and named in honor of Mr. Joseph Thomas and Mr. Thomas Pepitone.

1979 -- September 16, the 50th anniversary celebration begins with the dedication of Project STAR and the dedication of the football field to Alexander J. Ott.

1980 -- June 15, the field along Jericho Turnpike named in honor of Bro. Louis J. Faerber, S.M.The 50th anniversary year concludes with the Chaminade Family rededicating itself to the goals of Catholic education.

1982 -- June, Project PEP, seven new classrooms named in honor of Bro. Thomas J. Powers, S.M. completed.

1983 -- June 1, Bro. George E. Endres, S.M., named principal.

1987 -- Annual Torch Fund appeal initiated.

1990 -- Chaminade celebrates 60 years of commitment to Catholic education on Long Island.

1992 -- July 1, Bro. George E. Endres, S.M., named president; Bro. Michael J. McAward, S.M., named principal; August 29, swimming facility named Eichner Natatorium in honor of Fr. Philip K. Eichner, S.M., president from 1967-1992.

1994 -- Mensa Project, addition to the chapel and dining room of Meribah, Chaminade Retreat House, completed; Challenge 2000: Opening the Door to Opportunity, Chaminade's first capital campaign, initiated.

1999 -- July 16, Bro. Joseph Bellizzi, S.M., named principal. Chaminade celebrates the sesquicentenial (150 years) of the death of Fr. Chaminade and the arrival of the first Marianists in the U.S. At the same time, the school celebrates 70 years of providing a Catholic education to the young men of Long Island.

2000 -- September 3, Fr. William Joseph Chaminade, Founder of the Marianists, is beatified by Pope John Paul II; September 28, Founder's Hollow, a Marianist residence in Accord, Ulster County, purchased by the Province of Meribah.

2001 -- July 5, purchase of 388 Jericho Turnpike and relocation of Print Shop in this facility; September 13, mosaic of Blessed William Joseph Chaminade in lobby of Darby Auditorium is dedicated.

2002 -- March 1, purchase of 372 Jericho Turnpike; April 21, purchase of 382 Jericho Turnpike.

2003 -- March 25, Physical Fitness Center, two-story addition to storage building opened. August, Ott Field renovated with artificial surface; December 23, 316 Jericho Turnpike, former used car lot, purchased.

2004 -- January 30, 311 Jericho Turnpike, former car dealership, purchased; September 18, The 75th anniversary celebration began with an opening Mass and reception; December 15, dedication of 372 Jericho Turnpike, newly erected Vehicle Maintenance Facility.

2005 -- April 23, groundbreaking for Activity-Athletic Center; celebration for the 75th anniversary; June 28, 267 Marcellus Road property purchased.

2006 -- November 28, cornerstone laid for the Activity-Athletic Center.

2007 -- August 25, opening of the Activity-Athletic Center; September 13, dedication and first school Mass in Activity-Athletic Center.

2009 -- The College Advantage Program initiated with St. John’s University.

2010 -- April 2, the Three O’Clock Prayer scene in the Activity-Athletic Center parking lot dedicated.

2011 -- August 1, Bro. Thomas J. Cleary, S.M., named president.

2013 -- August 16, additional Meribah property purchased.

2014 -- September 6, Gold Star Stadium Dedication.

2015 -- May 18, Dedication of the Marian Cross at Gold Star Stadium; June 14, dedication of Saragossa Retreat Center.

2016 -- January 3, Groundbreaking for science & technology center.

2018 -- May 20, Opening of the Dolan Family Science, Technology, and Research Center.

2020-- December 23, 344 Jericho Turnpike purchased.

History | Chaminade High School, Mineola, NY (2025)
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