Christian Poems to Strengthen Your Faith (2024)


Free inspirational Christian poems. Christian poetry, Christian verse, church poems, spiritual poems. Christian rhymes, Jesus Christ poems, poems about and for Christians.

We'll Get Through This

Lord, our troubles
Are so great,
We don't know what to do;
The price for our
Is finally coming due.

The world is crumbling
All about;
No safe place can be found.
Right is wrong,
Wrong is right;
The change is quite profound.

Lord, we need
Your guiding light
To lead us out of here;
We'll focus on
Your Word, and prayer,
To take away our fear.

Temptations of
This dying world
We'll rule out and let go;
Give our burdens
All to you,
Shed all worldly woe.

That's how we'll
Get through this, Lord,
Fixed on heaven above,
Assured of your
protection, help,
And everlasting love.

By Joanna Fuchs

This Christian poem tells of Jesus' never-failing support for us. It's a Christian inspirational poem that's also a Christian rhyme.

You’re Always There for Me

When the world comes crashing in
And chaos rules my mind,
I turn my heart to you, Lord,
And pure, sweet peace I find.

You lift me out of trouble
You comfort me in pain;
You nourish, heal and cleanse me,
Like cool, refreshing rain.

In times of joy and bliss,
When things are going right,
You lift me even higher,
And fill me with delight.

You listen to my prayers;
You hear my every plea;
I’m safe because I know
You’re always there for me.

By Joanna Fuchs

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Forgiveness is a central rule of Christianity. This Christian poem reminds us that we must forgive as Jesus forgave us.

Christian Poems to Strengthen Your Faith (1)


Forgive someone. Today forgive.
Turn from bitter to positive.
End frustration, anger, pain;
Wash the anguish from your brain.

No need to reconcile or tell;
Just feel better and get well.
A brand new, peaceful life to live,
That's your gift, when you forgive.

By Joanna Fuchs

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See all four pages
of our Christian Poems

This Christian Poems Page, Plus,

Christian Valentine Poems

Christian Easter Poems

Christian Christmas Poems

In addition, there is at least one Christian poem or prayer
on every poem page.

Christian poems can try to communicate the sense of peace and safety that comes with knowing Jesus Christ. The Christian poem below tries to do that. It's a Christian rhyming poem.

To Do List From God

I ran my life in search of worldly things;
My time and will were firmly in control.
I thought I had no need for what God brings;
I gave no heed to murmurs from my soul.

Christian Poems to Strengthen Your Faith (2)

“You’re planning, doing all the time,” it said,
“But something else is missing deep inside.
Your mind is whirling, but your heart is dead,
So turn to God and let go of your pride.”

I did, and God said, “Here’s My plan for you:
Give your life to Me, and just let go.
Have faith and pray, and read the Bible through,
And you’ll have blessings more than you can know.”

So simple, yet it brings me perfect peace,
Living life for God the way I should.
Direction, purpose, fullness and release—
Life with God is very, very good.

By Joanna Fuchs

The Christian poem above, To Do List From God, is a Christian verse that focuses on how much better and more peaceful life is when we move away from worldly things and closer to Jesus.

Christian poems often talk about the transition to Christianity. This poem for Christians is for those who remember what their lives were like before being saved. To Do List from God is a Christian poem about Christians, also a Christian rhyme, that reveals how the stresses of the world and our need to plan and control things can make life difficult.

When we turn it all over to God, life becomes so much more peaceful and satisfying, as this Christian poem says.

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Christian poems can address Jesus directly, with thanks and praise, as this one does. It's a Jesus Christ poem that reveal how Jesus knows what we feel.

Just Like Me

Dear Lord, forgive our yielding to temptation;
Forgive our pride, our love of worldly things.
Have mercy on our love of sensual pleasure,
Compassion on the sins that self love brings.

It must be hard to understand us sometimes;
So very different is your heart and mind.
But wait, I just remembered that you do know
What it’s like to be a part of humankind.

You suffered just like we do, and you were tempted.
You lived with us so you could comprehend
The things that we go through each trying day,
So you could give us mercy, and be our friend.

Thank you for compassion and forgiveness;
Thank you for your love and empathy.
Thank you, Lord, for coming down from heaven
To experience life’s trials, just like me.

By Joanna Fuchs

You may also like our page Inspirational Words for the Bible verses at the bottom.

Some Christian poems come out of personal experience. This Christian poem comes straight from my heart. It's a Christian verse right out of my life.

Help Me Forgive

When rage and fury overwhelm my heart,
It’s time to look to God’s own Holy Word.
I search the Bible for His good advice;
My will to His commands must be deferred.

In Romans God reveals His love for me;
In all things God works only for my good;
He gives me blessings I can’t understand;
I’d be peaceful if I’d do the things I should.

Jesus forgave so much; why then can’t I?
I want to mold my life after His own.
I pray, I try, but my sinful nature wins;
Lord, help me, I can’t do this thing alone.

In Colossians, I read about the peace of Christ;
Oh, how I long to feel it in my heart.
All I have to do is to forgive,
But Lord, it seems I don’t know where to start.

I need to walk a mile in the other’s shoes;
They’re doing what they think they have to do.
I know some problems are blessings in disguise,
But Lord, sometimes I feel so doggone blue.

Ephesians says "forgive as the Lord forgave you;
Get rid of anger and every form of malice."
I’d love to just let go and release it all,
But upon my heart is a wound that’s become a callus.

I’ll keep praying, trying, Lord, no matter what;
I’m determined to let go and relinquish blame;
Some day, I’ll say, and be truly sincere:
"I forgive it all in Jesus’ precious name."

(Romans 8:28, Colossians 3:13, Ephesians 4:31)

By Joanna Fuchs

Here’s a Christian poem, based on Psalm 23, in free verse. It’sChristian poetry short enough to put on a mug.

Safe and Blessed

The Lord is myShepherd.
He leads me.
He lifts me up.
I have no fear,
for He is always withme.
My life is safe and blessed
with the Lord.

Adapted from Psalm 23 by Joanna Fuchs

Here’s a Christian poemfor all of us who love church.


Church is a place to go and see
Our other loving family,
People who know the Lord, and who
With their love and care our strength renew.

That is why I think, each Monday:
“I’m looking forward to church on Sunday.”

By Joanna Fuchs

Christian poetry should make Christians aware of the importance of their faith to the world. This Christian poem admonishes Christians to put their faith into practice. It's also an implied Christian wish.


If the world were full of Christians
who studied their Bible daily,
who really did believe
God’s commands applied to them,
who put what they learned
in God’s Holy Word into practice,
their actions reflecting that Word,
then earth would be close to heaven.
If the world were full of Christians
who knew that being a Christian
is more than going to church,
who lived their lives according to God’s will,
service to Him their main purpose,
who practiced Jesus’ teachings
every day, with everyone they met,
loving and helping their neighbors,
then the earth would be a place
of heavenly harmony and peace.

By Joanna Fuchs

Video: An Atheist's Conversion

This video, "An Atheist's Conversion," could have a number of applications for you. The "Million Dollar Bill Tracts" are available here. They only cost a few pennies.

Christian poems and inspirational Christian poetry should lift up the reader, as this Christian spiritual poem about Christians does. This could also be used as a Christian church poem.

Save Me

Save me from myself, Lord;
Save me from my need
To always run my life, Lord,
To control my every deed.

Save me from my pride, Lord,
My focus on just me;
Help me learn to serve, Lord;
Show me how to be.

Save me from the world, Lord,
When tempting things entice;
Remind me of eternity
With You, in paradise.

I give my life to you, Lord
My every need you fill;
I’m resting in my faith, Lord;
You saved me, and you always will.

By Joanna Fuchs

Christian poems and inspirational Christian poetry should invoke the name of Christ Jesus, as this Christian verse does. It's a free verse Christian poem that acknowledges our need for our Lord.

We Need You, Lord

We need you, Lord.
Like lost wanderers in a burning, empty desert
thirst for cool, clean water,
we long for you to quench us.

Christian Poems to Strengthen Your Faith (3)

In a world gone progressively mad,
with chaos all around us,
we seek refuge in the order and purpose of your law.
With evil sneaking, leaking everywhere,
spreading heavy darkness,
creating feelings of emptiness,
we hunger for your goodness and light.
Turn us around, Lord, we pray;
retrieve your sheep who have gone astray.
Draw us to the satisfaction
of your purity and righteousness.
Cleanse us, and make us more like you,
role models, examples, beacons,
for others who are searching for meaning for their lives.
Come, Lord Jesus.
We need you, Lord.

Matthew 5:16
Proverbs 4:18

By Joanna Fuchs

Christian inspirational poetry often talks about what Christian living is about. This Christian poem about Christians idealizes the Christian life, one that is impossible for a worldly sinner to attain, but one to which Christians must aspire.

A Perfect Christian

You could count on a perfect Christian
To always be gentle and humble,
To be immune to sin,
And never, ever stumble.

He’d study and remember
All of God’s commands;
He’d be trustworthy, moral and honest;
You’d know just where he stands.

With others, she’d be in harmony;
She’d never lose her cool;
Forgiving and forgetting,
Following the Golden Rule.

He’d surrender his life to God,
Full of joy and peace,
Free of stress and worry…
Perfect, pure release.

She’d lift up everyone,
Full of sweet compassion,
Free of worldly wants,
Ignoring worldly fashion.

But we can’t ever be perfect,
So we always need to pray
For the strength to do our best
To love God and obey.

By Joanna Fuchs

Inspirational Christian poetry often centers on Jesus as role model, as this Christian verse does. This Christian spiritual poem helps us to keep our priorities straight.

Like You

Lord help me to be in Your holy will;
Tell me what to do today;
Lead me in Your righteousness;
Make me more like You, I pray.

Guard me against this corrupting world,
Its perverted priorities, temptations, too.
Direct my mind toward Your commands,
So I can focus my life on You.

Fill my heart with Your light and love,
So I can assist those I see in need;
With You as my role model, let me be
Like You in thought and word and deed.

By Joanna Fuchs

Christian poems can address specific life events, like graduation. Here's a Christian graduation poem. There are more graduation poems on our graduation poems page.

The Lord Will Lead You

Now that you're celebrating
Your graduation day,
Your whole life is ahead of you,
And the Lord will lead the way.

Just trust in Him to guide you
In His divine and perfect will.
If you'll pray and read His Holy Word,
His plan you will fulfill.

Whatever happens in your life,
On the Lord you can depend.
There's nothing you can't handle
With Jesus as your best friend.

Congratulations, and may the Lord bless you always!

By Joanna Fuchs

Christian poems about Christians can describe the spiritual struggles that Christians go through, as this free verse Christian poem does.

I’m Trying, But…

I’m trying, but…
what I want to do,
I don’t do enough of,
and what I don’t want to do,
I do too much of.
I know the rules for a Christian life,
according to the Bible,
and I’m trying; I really am, but…
heaven and eternity seem so far away,
and the rampantly materialistic world
presses in so close
from every direction, every side,
that I get distracted.
Focus, focus, focus!
I need to focus, laser-like
on a simple, God-centered life.
Do I really need
to make that frivolous purchase,
instead of giving the money
to someone who needs it
so much more than I do?
Can I watch that TV show,
read that book, listen to that song
that contains (and promotes!)
even a little bit
of what the Bible forbids,
without being corrupted?
Do I do enough
to love and help and encourage others?
Pride always hovers,
eagerly waiting
to subdue and conquer humility,
so I think too much of myself.
I know the rules;
the Bible makes everything clear.
Forgive me, Lord;
I’m trying, but…

Romans 7:15
Matthew 6:19
Matthew 22:39
Philippians 4:8

By Joanna Fuchs

Christian poems and inspirational Christian poetry can comfort those in distress, as this free Christian poem does. It's a Christian verse that acknowledges that we can derive strength, courage and comfort from knowing our Lord is always there for us. This could also be used as a Christian church poem.

Nothing We Can’t Handle

No matter what distressing times I face,
When rain and storms replace the sunny weather,
When things I counted on fail to sustain me,
There’s nothing we can’t handle, Lord, together.

If those I thought were friends act more like foes,
If I start to lose the things I hold most dear,
I know that I can tell it all to You;
You want to listen to me and to hear.

When my earthly world dissolves before my eyes,
When problems seem too great for me to bear,
You’ll always be there for me, Lord, I know;
I can come to you on bended knees in prayer.

It’s such a comfort, Lord, to realize,
You’ll always be my King, my Lord, my Friend;
To share my burdens, worries, and my cares,
You’ll love me and support me to the end.

By Joanna Fuchs

Christian poems and inspirational Christian poetry should reference our Lord Jesus Christ, and Christian poems about Christians should help us live our lives according to His commands, as this Christian verse does.

Christian Poems to Strengthen Your Faith (4)

More Like Jesus

Let us be more like Jesus
In everything we do;
Let’s live a life of service,
A life that’s fresh and new.

Let’s relinquish worldly things,
And not be slaves to fashion;
Let’s fill our hearts with love,
Forgiveness and compassion.

Yes, let’s be more like Jesus,
Being always in God’s will,
For if Jesus’ light shines through us,
Our earthly purpose we’ll fulfill.

By Joanna Fuchs

This free Christian poem, in free verse (it doesn't rhyme), is about what it's like before and after. It's a Christian verse that summarizes the transition from secular to Christian. We are happy to provide this Christian spiritual poem online.

Come To Jesus

Isn’t there more to life?
Is this all there is?

Imprisoned by our need for control,
trapped by insatiable desires
for worldly pleasures,
we are oppressed by our desperate hunger
for approval and love
from everyone
except the One who loves us most.

Straining, fighting to release
a familiar yet unknown burden,
we struggle to flee the tension, the stress
from the inner knowing
that our lives are incomplete
without Him who created us.

Parched, thirsting for more, more, more
of something we can’t even define,
racing in the wrong direction,
we search everywhere
except the one place
where what we really want
can actually be found.

Turn around.
Come to Jesus.
He is hope;
He is joy;
He is freedom,
direction, and purpose.

Come to Jesus.
Let Him carry your burdens.
Surrender your pain to His love.
Turn from darkness to the Son,
to the beacon Who will always light your way.

Come to Jesus.
He is waiting...
waiting to lead you home.

By Joanna Fuchs

Christian poems and inspirational Christian poetry can focus on God's creation, as this Christian verse does. It's a free Christian poem written in free verse rather than rhyme. It could also be used as a Christian prayer poem.

God in the Seasons

In Spring we are reminded
of the magnificence of Your creation,
as the earth is covered in verdant green,
with splendid splashes of color,
and we witness birth everywhere,
of animals bearing their young,
of buds turning into leaves and flowers
and our own moods being reborn
with renewed energy and life.

in Summer, we remember
the warmth of Your love for us
and the light of Your goodness.
Both are everywhere for those who look.
Thank You for butterflies,
birds and wildlife for us to enjoy,
water to swim in,
and weather that frees us to romp and play
while outdoor pleasures are at their peak.

In Fall, we thank you for Your cooling breezes,
that bring relief from the relentless summer heat.
We see bright colors fading and dying,
leaves turning brown, crisp, disintegrating,
only to be reborn next year,
reminding us that every living thing, including us,
must die in some way before being reborn.

In Winter, as white snow blankets the ground,
we are reminded of Your purity and Your perfection.
The complexity and beauty of each single snowflake
only hints at Your transcendent intelligence and creativity.
We hunker down and snuggle in,
knowing this season will wind down
and Spring will reappear, as it always has
because You created an orderly, predictable universe,
not by chance, but from your flawless design.

Thank You for the seasons, Lord,
and everything in them
that You created for our enjoyment.

By Joanna Fuchs

Curious about the Christian religion? What is Christianity?
What is a Christian? What is Christian faith?
To see the answers and find out how to become a Christian,
check out this Web site.

Christian poems cover a lot of categories. A lot of people are typing Sunday school teacher appreciation into their search box, so here’s a Sunday school teacher appreciation poem for National Teacher Appreciation Day. It's also a Christian rhyme.

Thank You, Sunday School Teacher

Thank you Sunday school teacher
For opening my eyes
To the Bible and to Jesus,
Life’s most precious prize.

Thank you special teacher
For opening my mind
To God and the Holy Spirit,
And for answers you help me find.

Thank you Sunday school teacher
For opening my heart
To eternal life through salvation,
The precious lessons you impart.

Thank you, cherished teacher,
For giving me advice
So that I can know the Lord
And be with Him in paradise.

By Joanna Fuchs

There are many more teacher poems on theteacher poemspage.

Inspirational Christian poetry can address current events, and Christian poems can influence people's behavior and actions, as this Christian poem hopes to do. It's a Christian rhyming poem.

More Than Ever

In today’s chaotic world,
With everything around us crumbling,
Morality held in contempt,
Our leaders false, corrupt, or bumbling,

More than ever, we need Christ
To lead us through this darkening place;
His absolute truth will light our way;
He’ll lift us with His love and grace.

The Bible is our cornerstone;
In God’s word, we take our stands;
Role models we will strive to be,
Examples of our Lord’s commands.

Dear Lord Jesus, strengthen us
To complete the tasks you’d have us do;
We pray you’ll lead us, guide us now
To know and love and follow you.

By Joanna Fuchs

See All Four Pages
of Our Christian Poems

This Christian Poems page, plus,

Christian Valentine Poems

Christian Easter Poems

Christian Christmas Poems

In addition, there is at least one Christian poem or prayer
on every poem page.

There are more than 1,000 poems at this site.

Always remember to check out our SITE MAP
to access all of our greeting card poems.

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Thanks for reading this inspirational Christian poetry! These Christian poems about Christians are free for use on personal greeting cards, provided that the author's name and our Web site address,, appear beneath the poem. (It can be small print; just so it's there) All other uses require permission. See our Terms of Use for details.

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Christian Poems to Strengthen Your Faith (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Views: 6083

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.